In November of 1989, ROBERT LAZAR took his 1st polygraph test to prove his honesty about the fact that he back-engineered Alien Spacecraft from another world for the United States Military at a secret base called S-4 (near the infamous Area 51).

GEORGE KNAPP (Peabody Award winning Investigative Journalist) broke the story in an attempt to assure the safety of LAZAR. Being a Cosmic Whistleblower has its price, if you're not careful.

KNAPP will often say, "VET EVERY SOURCE". Well, LAZAR has been vetted for over 25 years. His story has not changed, altered, or become more elaborate. LAZAR is telling YOU the truth. It's up to you what you DO with that information.

With recent testimony by LAZAR, this short film gives a unique glimpse into the personas surrounding this EPIC saga… the most infamous UFO case of all time.

The implications derived from his experiences are just starting to be realized.

Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell